Learning SwiftUI - Day 25 of 100

Whew, quarter of the way done. That was fast.

Today was a quick review plus a challenge. Like last time, I may have overexerted myself. I did some things with enums and component Views and things just spiraled from there. I ran out of time to finish before I needed to move onto something else, but I have a feeling I’m going to come back to it to practice on some of my lighter days.

Anyway, WWDC was announced just a few minutes ago. It’ll be the first time it interests me as a developer rather than just a consumer, so I’m excited to follow any news between now and June.

30 March 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Learning SwiftUI - Day 24 of 100 A quick one today—just a review and challenge for the views and modifiers. I remembered more than I thought I would from Friday, so I passed the
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Learning SwiftUI - Day 26 of 100 Holy crap, Machine Learning 26 days in? This is my kind of lesson plan. It actually feeds directly into something I want to try with my first app,