Learning SwiftUI - Day 26 of 100

Holy crap, Machine Learning 26 days in? This is my kind of lesson plan. It actually feeds directly into something I want to try with my first app, so having this (very basic) foundation is going to be fantastic.

Of course, this project uses provided data, and I’d need to figure out how to build data to train a model myself instead, but baby steps!

It was a quick lesson overall. This is another one of the projects in which some of the things have changed since the lesson was written, but only slightly, so I was able to work through it, no big deal.

30 March 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Learning SwiftUI - Day 25 of 100 Whew, quarter of the way done. That was fast. Today was a quick review plus a challenge. Like last time, I may have overexerted myself. I did some
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Learning SwiftUI - Days 27 and 28 of 100 So I took the day mentally-off yesterday. I sat at my desk, and I did something (couldn’t tell you what, to be honest), but it was not a day for