Learning SwiftUI - Day 24 of 100

A quick one today—just a review and challenge for the views and modifiers. I remembered more than I thought I would from Friday, so I passed the quiz no problem, and then flew through the challenges.

Like I said last week, this is beginning to reveal the basics of how apps are actually built, so it’s beginning to make me itch to jump into my own app idea. But I will resist, otherwise I’ll frustrate myself when I move on a little further and get into best practices and find I’ve done none of them.

Anyway, I’m rambling today. Time to go do a brain dump or something so I feel less scattered. More tomorrow!

29 March 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Follow-Up: Resistance Evaluation Last week, I struggled. I didn’t get anything done and felt bad about it. Truthfully, I did more than I remember, but that bad feeling is hard to
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Learning SwiftUI - Day 25 of 100 Whew, quarter of the way done. That was fast. Today was a quick review plus a challenge. Like last time, I may have overexerted myself. I did some