Learning SwiftUI - Day 23 of 100

Whew. Today was the first of the so-called technical projects, and man, did it cover a lot. I feel as though I’ll need to review it. It gave me insight into how apps are actually made by introducing views as properties and custom containers, views, and modifiers, so I’m glad to be digging into the deep stuff.

Anyway, I’m going to go have a stare at my project, and see if I can play with it a bit more until I understand it. 👋

26 March 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Learning SwiftUI - Day 22 of 100 Well, today was the review day for the second project — Guess the Flag. The challenges were fun, adding a score tracker, and teaching the player
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Follow-Up: Resistance Evaluation Last week, I struggled. I didn’t get anything done and felt bad about it. Truthfully, I did more than I remember, but that bad feeling is hard to