Learning SwiftUI - Day 45 of 100

Getting into these drawing lessons has been so hard. But I made it through this one to get to the fun challenge”. The Spirograph! I enjoyed the physical version of this so much as a kid. Wonder if they are still for sale… 🤔

Anyway it was fun to play with the Spirograph but wasn’t much of a challenge, as Paul did all of the math. 😂 Interestingly, the Spirograph shape had the same bug as the Flower shape did yesterday! Previewer didn’t want to build, but Simulator was fine. Very odd. I would try to find the solution, but I can’t be bothered at the moment.

Anyway, it’s pouring rain and I’m enjoying curling up in comfy clothes. Hope you’re taking care of yourself. 💕

12 May 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Learning SwiftUI - Day 44 of 100 I had a weird bug today. The preview didn’t want to run but the Simulator was fine. The previewer was complaining about an int not converting to
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Learning SwiftUI - Day 46 of 100 Hey. It’s been a while. 14 full days, actually. But I’m back, at least for today. I make no promises for my future self. Today was the final day for