Learning SwiftUI - Day 38 of 100

I’m running about an hour behind, but that’s okay—I had a very good chat with some family this morning—so, let me just fly through this blog post.

Wrap up for iExpense. I enjoyed the challenges, they’re getting more intuitive as I learn more of the language. I wanted to go back and work on MultiplicAnimals some more, but like I said, running behind, maybe I’ll do some later this week.

I’m still having fun learning Swift. It’s a blast.

19 April 2021 100-days-of-swiftui development

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Learning SwiftUI - Day 37 of 100 Building out iExpense was the main topic of today’s lesson, and honestly, it’s one of the first lessons where I feel like I’m beginning to see how a
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Unplanned Day Off From Learning SwiftUI Would you look at that? It’s 4:30pm and I’ve not done my SwiftUI lesson. Things got a bit crazy today at work—I accidentally hit “Undo pending